Academic & Examination Board Members
27 October 2023 2025-03-17 3:41Academic & Examination Board Members
The Academic Board & Examination Board of Addison Institute is an elected body that consists of distinguished members from the industry and academia and the management members of the school.
The Duties of the Academic Board is as follows:
• Developing unbiased policies and procedures to ensure academic quality and rigour.
• Ensure that the content, duration of the modules/subjects, entry and graduation requirements of the course(s) are appropriate.
• Approve the deployment of qualified teachers as based on the requirements stipulated by CPE.
• Facilitating the implementation and ensuring compliances with the procedure developed.
• Review academic policies and procedures periodically.
Academic Board Members:
1. Mrs. Muthan Jayanthi
2. Mr. Benjamin Chow Kok Fai
3. Mr. Thiam Thian Meng
The Duties of the Examination Board is as follows:
The Examination Board will be in charge of the development of examination and
assessment procedures, such as developing and facilitating the implementation of procedures to:
• Ensure the security of examination scripts and answer scripts;
• Ensure the proper conduct of examinations and assessments;
• Define and ensure the proper discharge of duties and responsibilities of invigilators and markers;
• Conduct moderation of examination and assessment marks; and
• Handle appeals from students with regard to examination or assessment matters.
Examination Board Members:
1. Mr.Chong Chee Song(Member)
2. Mrs.Gunasekaran Radhika (Member)