Food Safety Course Level 1 (Refresher) (English)

Addison Institute

About This Course

Practise good personal hygiene Use safe ingredients Store food safely Handle food safely Maintain cleanliness of equipment and premises; Legislation and case studies; Workplace safety

What You’ll Learn

Food Safety Course Level 1 is a mandatory training program for all food and beverage staff working in SFA licensed food establishments and/or anyone interested to learn safe food preparation. The Singapore Food Agency (SFA), together with SkillsFuture Singapore (SSG), have revised the Follow Food & Beverage Safety and Hygiene Policies and Procedures course (also known as Basic Food Hygiene Course) and renamed it as Food Safety Course Level 1 under the TSC name of Food Safety and Hygiene Level 1 with effect from 30 November 2020. Persons preparing food for sale in SFA-licensed food establishments are required to attend and pass Food Safety Course (FSC) Level 1. This course is a refresher module to renew the validity of FSCL1 certificate before the end of the 5 year mark.

Relevant Job Role(s)

Food Service Provider, Food preparer, F&B kitchen staff, F&B employee

Minimum Entry Requirement

Able to write, read and speak Mandarin language

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Level 2
Duration 4 hours